Best SEO Cape Town Tips

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Best SEO Cape Town Tips

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Best SEO Cape Town Tips



Our Best SEO Cape Town Tips include actionable insights on how to improve your business, online. Learn how to see the bigger picture and how to turn your online website into a money machine in just 10 minutes reading. We will share the game-changer principles of digital business and SEO.



Understanding what Google is looking for – User Intent And Google’s Value Proposition



In order to survive in the long-term, Google has to be the leading search engine, more than that, it has to provide the very best search results. It is the age of disruption and Google’s value proposition is that it offers the most appropriate answer for a search query in our world. No pressure.





Google wants to provide the best possible resource of information in terms of what the searcher is looking for. Have a look at the content volume of other competitors in the search results for keyword phrases relative to your business. Are you with in the same range of content volume?





Ask yourself: is the search query overtly commercial or is it information seeking? A best SEO Cape Town tip is to understand the user intent behind the keyword phrase and then reverse engineer the appropriate volume and depth of content.



An example would be the amount of content someone would need when wanting to buy something immediately or reading up on the understanding of the product its use and its application as a whole. Imagine someone who has never surfed wanted to understand what makes surfboards better or worse and then compare that to a seasoned surfer who simply wants to buy a well-known brand of a custom surfboard, two different approaches to SEO.




The content would be far less for an eCommerce user than that of someone looking to take up surfing, in this example. Google is working really hard with language vectorisation, such as the BERT update, and machine learning in term’s of its RankBrainer algorithm, to understand the user intent behind search queries.



If the user intent is informational research, the best bet is to go for full coverage of the search query and related search queries. Again, the idea is to become a resource around a topic.



Best SEO Cape Town Tip for Ecommerce



For eCommerce SEO, the natural information of categories silos that occur helps Google understand what the products are meant to rank for. Don’t double up your product categories such as “home and garden” as an example. These subjects are only vaguely related and thus will not help Google understand. Do more with less, information architecture in e-commerce is vital as its the only way to show depth regarding a topic, being that the content is usually thin from a UX perspective and intent point of view.



To most ecommerce developers this will sound insane, as they will say “where do we fit all of these additional links on the homepage?”. This is truly where ecommerce SEO becomes an advanced subject and will be addressed in another guide in the future. In short, find a way but do not double categorise!



Here, scrolling through large swaths of copy would also be a bad user experience. At the same time pages must be optimised for Google to see value in displaying such a page for the chosen search query. Be creative and be as in-depth as possible without creating a negative user experience.



Writing content just for content sake will only get you so far. Yes, Google cannot read content as we do at this stage, they look at the maths and approximate content, but you need to convert the traffic. Humans are the ones that actually read the content and you should always focus on them first.



The quality, appropriateness, and value or usefulness will ultimately decide on whether the online user will do as you intended.



Rather than outsource content, have it written in-house by expert, knowledgeable staff. Rotate the content calendar in such a way that one staff member writes one article a week for example.



Where it is impossible to create content in-house, ensure that the content company you outsource the content to, offers a high-calibre of research to go hand -in hand with the content created.



Best Cape Town SEO Tips: Functionality, transparency and efficiency of websites



With more than 50% of users using a mobile device for browsing online, the functionality has become more important than ever before. By functionality, we mean load speed and navigational structure and layout of content and elements such as menus that allow you to navigate the content.



No matter how many Best SEO Cape Town tips we give you in this guide, if the traffic arrives at your site and they see a blank screen while the site is waiting to load, they will just bounce back and select the closest competitor. Also, when navigating through a website with a mobile device, the information architecture has to be intuitively laid out with the least click-depth to primary-value pages.



Users will scroll with a mobile device, but may lose interest, thus to ensure that the most pertinent information is closest to header hero section of a website, and once again at the bottom of the page in the footer section. Users will often scroll down to the bottom as a habit. It helps to have a secondary value proposition and call to action or lead capture form there.



We can revisit the user intent we discussed above. Imagine if you want to quickly find a recipe to bake a cake, you would like the steps and ingredients at the top of the page right? The idea is to ensure that the user intent and the functionality and efficiency of the physical layout and menu design make sense for how the user will navigate through your site.


Fast page speed is crucial  when it comes to mobile users as there is a strong correlation between increased bounce rates with slower load speed



Best SEO Cape Town Load Speed Tips



Everyone talks about load speed the days, Google even have a handy tool called PageSpeed Insights that will point you in the right direction to fix load speed issues. Now, Google needs at least one measure or metric to compare sites for load speed to be a ranking factor. The one metric we attribute is time to first byte or TTFB. Google out-right deny that this is where they isolate the measure of load speed for ranking purposes. We believe it is.



You should ensure that your TTFB is below simply 1 second. Google seems to only count a negative ranking factor when the TTFB is over 1 second.



Now the other advice given Pageseed Insights is still very good advice. Most of the suggestions would only improve the user experience and the general neatness and functionality of your website but fixing theses Technical SEO elements is best left to a seasoned SEO developer.


Best SEO Cape Town Tips for Crawlability


When we say transparency, we refer to the transparency of Google being able to read your website. Google does not at this stage have unlimited computing power and resources and thus it will not crawl your entire website in one go. Instead, it will crawl sections at time. This is an important Best SEO Cape Town tip.




The sections straight off your menu are obviously very important. The section that are situated off subsections or more levels down from the homepage, will take longer for Google to find and therefore crawl and relate to the rest of the website, semantically.



Crawl budget, the term relating to the concept above, is mostly a major problem for large eCommerce sites where there are thousands of product categories and sub-product categories. The structure of the site and the way it is internally linked needs to be planned carefully from the beginning before the launch of commerce sites.



Smaller sites have “transparency” or “Crawlability issues when they use no-index tags. For most sites, the only no-index tags should guard payment gateway information and backend CMS (content management system) related content. No-index is the equivalent of poison to SEO, use it wisely.



Google must see your CSS and other files, too. It is even advisable to have your terms and conditions and privacy statement crawlable as a page instead of using a pdf (which is also crawlable but has less weight in terms of SEO). Be transparent in your web page structure and content, show Google almost everything but private-user account and payment gateway related information.


It is a very good idea to have a sitemap in place to help Google “see” all the content. A sitemap helps your content be indexed sooner.




Best SEO Cape Town Javascript Framework tips



This especially becomes an issue for commerce SEO and technical SEO when large commerce sites use Single Page Applications. To normal users, they wouldn’t even really know the difference when browsing on a SPA.



Basically, SPA show one page but allows javascript to change what the user is experiencing. Often Google cannot fully crawl Single page applications changes and thus will not crawl or rank content to defer parsing the javascript for 5 months. A famous case study was Google’s own javascript framework, Angular, where the main homepage wouldn’t rank for its own term for years.



Long story short, it is completely fine to use Angular but the developers should be working with javascript SEO experts. There is a way that Google sees the static version of the content and that the user sees the dynamic version. If you own or operate a large commerce site, be aware of how many pages are being indexed by Google.



Best SEO Cape Tips: Conversion Optimisation



The third section of our Best SEO Cape Town tips covers what to do with traffic once it arrives, conversion optimisation or CRO. No matter how good your SEO is, if the traffic that arrives does not adequately convert (buy something or contact you) there is something wrong.



Again, let us mention the user intent and pretend that the user intent matches the content and value proposition of the website. Just for the sake of understanding conversion optimisation.



best seo cape town conversion test questions



Does your website offer appropriate call-to-actions? Call to actions are the prompts or triggers that push your user to fulfill the website objective such as adding a product to the shopping cart or contact you for the service you provide. These are crucial to conversion optimisation.



Call to actions should not be “click here” but rather the value proposition itself such as “protect yourself” in terms of an insurance policy as an example. The button should also be a stark contrast to the rest of the website using colour or contrast or a combination of both.



Paragraphs should be succinct on pages that have a higher propensity to convert. In other words, if the page keyword is “buy watch”, the content should be more succinct and value expressive than a page detailing “highest-quality watches”, where one could go into detail about what makes certain watches high-quality at length.



Testimonials are vital. Millennials and Generation Z, humans born from 1991 onwards, do not trust brands but they trust each other instead. Video testimonials are more believable than anything that a company could put on its website. They really help push the online user down their buying cycle.



Have an online chat widget for higher involvement products or products in a high price bracket. Where consumers feel more risk, they will seek more convincing and support.



We have discussed user intent and conversion optimisation in the opening section of this guide but now we see how the user intent, content, functionality and conversion optimisation all come together ultimately. We hope you have enjoyed our Best SEO Cape Town tips guide.